nissan sentra o d off button

nissan sentra o d off button

請問05年的SENTRA車 一般情況下, O/D檔到底要按或不按呢? A. 按下O/D扭 & O/D OFF燈亮 B. 不按O/D扭 & O/D OFF等滅 到底要按或不要按呢?

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  • Hi, For normal driving you need to have the O/D (overdrive) on all the time. If you have a...
    Dash warning light "OD OFF" - Foru ...
  • NISSAN SENTRA 180 OD/OFF亮燈在高速公路行使之下開啟OD/OFF 儀錶顯...
    Nissan - NISSAN SENTRA 180 ODOFF亮燈引擎變大聲車室也產生 ...
  • 因為燈亮寫著"O/D OFF" 此時為未有按鈕 。 那小弟疑惑就來了, 平時駕駛時究竟要按下鈕讓"O/D OFF"燈不亮, 還是不要按下讓&...
    Nissan - SENTRA 180的OD OFF燈於平常駕駛要亮還是熄滅? - 汽車 ...
  • 小弟最近突然對這個燈號很感興趣,儀表上的O/D OFF燈,當排檔上的鈕'按下去之後'燈號會熄滅,反...
    Nissan - SENTRA 180的OD OFF燈於平常駕駛要亮還是熄滅? - 汽車討論區 ...
  • 請問05年的SENTRA車 一般情況下, O/D檔到底要按或不按呢? A. 按下O/D扭 & O/D OFF燈亮 B. 不按O/D扭 & O/D OFF等滅 到底要...
    Nissan - SENTRA車OD檔要按或不按呢? - 汽車討論區 - Mobile01 ...
  • od 檔的使用就是所謂的省油檔如高速公路保持110公里應該要開請od檔轉速3000轉會保持2200轉可以達到省油 od 如果關起來燈會亮起可以利用爬坡超車加大你的 ...
    Nissan SENTRA OD OFF燈使用| Yahoo奇摩知識+
  • Why does O/D gear turn on when car is started - I notice that when I turn off the ignition...
    Nissan Sentra Questions - Why does OD gear turn on when car ...
  • Nissan Sentra Owners Manual. Starting and driving. Driving the vehicle. Continuously Varia...
    Nissan Sentra: Overdrive (OD) OFF switch - Continuously ...
  • slowmotionzx wrote:I recently found out that my shift nob has a button. When i press it th...
    OD Button on the shift nob? What does it do? - Nissan Forum ...
  • Nissan Sentra / Nissan Sentra Owners Manual / Starting and driving / Driving the vehicle ....
    Overdrive (OD) OFF switch - Continuously Variable Transmission ...
  • Nissan Sentra / Nissan Sentra Owners Manual / Starting and driving / Driving the vehicle /...
    Overdrive (OD) OFF switch - Nissan user, repair, service ...
  • No, O/D should never be off, unless you're towing something and the car can't pull...
    Should my OD OFF light be indicated on my Automatic car ...
  • The “O/D Off” button prevents the automatic transmission from being able to shift into the...
    The 'OD Off' button on my automatic car - Quora ...
  • What is the OverDrive for in a car, truck, van, or SUV? ... What Does OVERDRIVE Button Do ...
    What Does OVERDRIVE Button Do (OD light Off Toyota Ford Nissan ...
  • I assume that the car has automatic transmission. There will be a button somewhere on the ...
    What does the "O-D off" light on a 2004 Nissan Sen ...
  • I would assume it was the Over Drive. There is prob a button on ur PRNDL lever ...
    What does the "O-D off" light on a 2004 Nissan Sentra mean ...
  • OD 檔即為所謂的Over Drive 檔,俗稱"超比檔",通常是指自排車種的第4 檔或是手排車種的第5 檔,很多車款都會有這樣的設計!但新款車因為都採取無段變...
    汽車上的排檔感有一顆OD 按鈕?到底OD 檔是做什麼用的!? ON 與OFF ...
  • 2007年8月24日 - O/D on 警示燈不會亮(自動排檔桿左側有顆小按鈕開關壓下) ... NISSAN的O/D OFF燈亮起時表示檔位只會跳到3檔,要此燈沒有亮才會進到4...
    請問我車子亮起od off燈,這到底是什麼? | Yahoo奇摩知識+